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Phone 1-844-842-2667
In'tl: +1-541-484-6558

About Us

Education | Advocacy | Innovation

Compassion Center International is an international extension of:


Local: +1-541-484-6558
Fax: +1-541-484-0891

International Headquarters:

1915 NE Stucki Ave, Suite 308
Hillsboro, Oregon 97006

International Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 750865
Las Vegas, NV 89136

Each Donation Made is an Essential Tool to Advancing Science, Healthcare, Food- Security and Socioeconomic Solutions for The Betterment of Tomorrow.

Administratively, the organization is moving towards a cloud based business model with a global footprint so as to deliver on-demand, integrative solutions for a better tomorrow.

Working through MSO+, Compassion Center collects a variety of information, data and feedback to advance the conversation and development of solutions, logically.

An all-volunteer Board of Trustees oversees CCI's mission, core vision and management operations through MSO+, giving an inside look at operations by keeping a pulse on all things relevant, remotely and in-person, everyday.

After >20 years of providing professional education, patient advocacy and healthcare innovations directly to underserved and otherwise disadvantaged populations, we obviously love to serve and are very good at it, too.

Building a Solid Foundation for a Better Tomorrow, For All.


Donation Information

Pick a program you wish to support or just donate to CCI in general, it all leads to a brighter tomorrow and positive measurable outcomes for the communities we serve.


How CCI Really Works

Each project has its own fundraising and progress bar so donors can measure the change they wish to see in the world by using their $$$ support as an indicator.


Possibility of Incubation

Each program is reviewed and accepted by a Board Committee dedicated to the measurable impacts and data collection, and new projects are regularly approved.


How CCI Helps You Win

CCI creates plans, fundraising channels or programs to deliver positive measurable change in each of the underserved and disadvantaged communities that we serve.

Each Donation is Tax Deductible

Compassion Center International (CCI) is an extension/division of Compassion Center,
a 501(c)(3) public charity management services organization dedicated to professional
education, patient advocacy and healthcare innovations that serve categorically complex,
terminally ill and underserved populations on a global stage. We are all in this together.